Week 9 | Stops Along The Way | Loopholes
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Dig In:
•Have you experienced someone finding a loophole that frustrated you?
•What are some of the religious loopholes that you experienced that have frustrated you?
•Why do you think Jesus was so frustrated with the Oral Torah (laws) that the religious leaders followed?
•Read Mark 7:6 – How did Jesus define their hypocrisy?
•Read Mark 7:10 – Why do you think Jesus included the punishment for this law?
•Are you willing to let go of the inherited or made up traditions that are counter to the Law of Christ?
•Have you experienced someone finding a loophole that frustrated you?
•What are some of the religious loopholes that you experienced that have frustrated you?
•Why do you think Jesus was so frustrated with the Oral Torah (laws) that the religious leaders followed?
•Read Mark 7:6 – How did Jesus define their hypocrisy?
•Read Mark 7:10 – Why do you think Jesus included the punishment for this law?
•Are you willing to let go of the inherited or made up traditions that are counter to the Law of Christ?
Questions from the conclusion:
- Do you ever try to figure out how close you can get to sin without actually sinning?
- Do you believe there is a ritual that makes you right with God while removing your responsibility to make things right with others?
- Do you feel guiltier about missing church than you do about mistreating someone at work.
- Do you have a group of people that you label as “the enemy” that you allow your heart to hate?