Week 8 | Power Under | Stops Along the Way

Message Title: Power Under
Text: Mark 10:32-45
Main Idea: Greatness in God’s kingdom doesn’t come from having power over others, but power under.

Dig In:
•When you have a conflict, do you tend to POWER OVER or POWER UNDER?
•Read Mark 8:34-35. If you were a disciple listening to Jesus, how would you respond to Jesus’ call to deny yourself? Why is this so hard to do?
•Why is self-denial counter-intuitive? Why is self-denial counter-cultural?
•Read Mark 10:32-45
•Why did Jesus repeat that he was going to suffer a third time?
•Is there a place where you tend to ask God to bless your way of doing things rather than adapting to his way of living?
•Did Jesus rebuke the disciples for wanting honor? What was his correction?
•”Not so with you- you are great when you are a servant.” Where is it hardest to be a servant?
•Pastor Scott used the illustration of waring hammers. Where is a place in your life where you need to be water rather than a hammer?