Week 3 | Losing My Religion | Functional Savior

•How do you believe someone would grow spiritually? What activities would promote such spiritual growth?

•Read Galatians 3:1-3. How would Galatians answer the question? What did they get wrong?

•What are some ways we think we are perfected by the flesh? (Vs 3)

•How did Abraham become right with God (vs 6). How was this a model for Galatians – people who were not jewish, living 1500 years after abraham

•Read Genesis 15:1-21 What does Abraham believe God will do, despite the fact he’s nearly 100 years old? What does Abraham have to do. What passes through this alleyway? Who doesn’t? What is God showing about who will keep this covenant? Why is that good news for imperfect Abraham?

•What is the point of the Torah/Law of Moses? (Gal 3:24) Are we still under that covenant today? If not, what are we under?

•Pastor Scott described “Functional Saviors” as looking to something other than Jesus as our hope and to some other way to make us feel good and complete.
Consider the questions he asked;
-What one thing do you most hope is in your future?
-What is the one thing you most worry about losing?
-If you could change one thing about yourself right now, what would it be?
-What thing have you most sacrificed most for?
-Who is there in your life that you feel like you can’t forgive and why?
-When do you feel the most significant?
-What triggers depression in you?
-Where do you turn for comfort when things are not going well?
-What do you struggle with bitterness towards God about?

Take 5 minutes to write down or journal your responses. If you are willing, share with your group.
•How does the gospel speak to these functional saviors?