Week 3 | Collision | Sealed


Faith is always expressed in real-world life with real-world challenges and real-world hardships. Hardships are usually when it’s the hardest to have confidence in faith .Paul wrote the book of Ephesians from a Roman prison. Yet he has tremendous confidence about the future and about faith. 

In Ephesians 1:13-14, Paul tells us that we have been included in Christ when we heard and believed in faith in the gospel of Jesus Christ. Faith doesn’t come from doing but from believing. 

When we believe the Holy Spirit of God indwells each believer, he empowers them for service and is an ongoing mediator before the Father. He calls the “seal” of the Holy Spirit. A seal guarantees that something will get where it’s going, and that even more is coming. It’s a down payment for future payment. 

The presence of the Holy Spirit is also an authenticating mark that someone is truly saved. We can know we are saved when we see the fruit of the Holy Spirit in our lives. 

The Holy Spirit is the downpayment for God’s Inheritance- we are his valued possessions that he bought at a price. 


•Do you find your faith grow stronger or weaker during hardship? Why do you think that is? 

•Read Acts 14:21-22. What are all the action words? Why do you think there is such a high value on strengthening and encouraging their faith? (Vs. 22)

•Read Ephesians 1:13-14. How is it that we are included in Christ? How does this Christian definition of faith differ from other religious views of faith? What is the role of belief vs. works? 

•Read John 16:7-10. According to Jesus, why is it good he goes away? What will he do? How does what he does with the world (John 16:8) differ from what he does with believers (John 14:16-17)?

•In ancient biblical cultures, the “patronus” connected the client in need, with the benefactor who had the provision. What significance do you see there when we understand that the Holy Spirit is our “patronus” to the Father? 

•Read Galatians 5:22-26. Have you ever experienced any of the transformative fruits listed here? 

• In Ephesians 1:13-14- Paul calls us God’s inheritance. What’s the significance of that?