Week 2 | This Explains It All | Imago Dei


Our world view is shaped by how we understand we came to be. There is no basis on science by which human beings have any greater worth or value than a gnat. 

But a critical doctrine in Genesis 1:26-27 is that of the IMAGO DEI – or being made in the image of God. 

The summary statement is: The Imago Dei is a unique feature, not an achievement, through which mankind reflects and represents the character and qualities of God. 

This is true for every human being, regardless of what they are able to achieve. According to james 3:9-10, we should not praise God and then curse His image bearers. 

It is this belief in the Imago Dei that set the Christian church apart from other worldviews and brought about the idea of human rights. 

Being an image bearer means you reflect and represent the character of God. Much like a mirror- we have to face God in order to reflect him. Our glory or weight will never come from within- it has to come from God. 


  1. The message talks about the forgotten Rembrandt masterpiece hidden under a ping pong table. Can you share a personal experience where something valuable or meaningful was unexpectedly discovered in your life? How did it impact your perspective on value and worth?
  2. How does the idea that every human being reflects the character and qualities of God influence your view of yourself and others? How might this concept shape the way we treat and value people in our daily lives?
  3. Why is human capacity (reason, creativity, intellect, communication) not the right evaluation of dignity and worth? What’s the danger there? 
  4. Read James 3:9-10 In what ways do you see the belief in the image of God influencing the way society views and treats individuals, especially in the context of civil rights? How can this belief contribute to a more just and equitable society?
  5. Being made in the image of God carries the idea of representing and reflecting God’s character and qualities. Like a mirror, we need to face God to be able to reflect his light. How can we practically align ourselves with God in our daily lives? What are some challenges or obstacles that might prevent us from fully reflecting God’s character, and how can we overcome them?

DEEPER DIVE (Sources cited and recommended reading)

The Lost World of Genesis- John Walton

Biblical Critical Theory – Christopher Watkin

The Reason for God – Timothy Keller

Making Sense of God- Timothy Keller


