Love Is
Life is full of enough challenges, and often times we make it more challenging when we make relational decisions that ultimately undermine our relationships. Two myths cause a lot of the confusions.
The right person myth is that once you meet the right person, everything will be all right. The second myth is the promise myth: that a promise replaces the need for preparation. But you can’t promise your way into healthy habits that cause relationships to thrive. You actually have to prepare for it and work hard for it.
Jesus shows us the pathway to satisfying relationships when in John 15;12 told us to “Love each other as I have loved you.”
Paul’s imperatives in 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 defines what this kind of exclusive, God-shaped love looks like practically. That kind of love is patient, and graciously does life at someone else’s pace. This is the decision to pause rather than push and to accommodate to someone else’s capacity.
That kind of love is kind. It’s loaning someone else your strength, rather than reminding them of their weakness.
That kind of love allows the other person to shine. It doesn’t envy or boast and is not proud. It’s not threatened by someone else’s success and can celebrate for the other person.
That kind of love does not dishonor others and isn’t self-seeking. It’s giving dignity to the other person and representing them in public with regard.
Ice Breaker Question:
What one favorite actor, or recording artist would you most want to share a meal with?
•If you were to have dinner with your favorite actor or recording artist, what would you remind yourself not to do or say that you typically do or say?
•Read 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 and consider the apostle Paul’s list:
•Patience: We all live our lives at our own pace. But in a relationship, how do you make sure you’re not forcing your own pace on the other person?
•Kindness; In your own words, how would you define “kindness”?
Have you ever thought of kindness as a weakness? Do you agree that a lack of kindness indicates a lack of self-control? Why or why not?
•What one area of discussion and study do you feel the weakest at? What’s one practical way you can begin acting according to this definition of love?
DEEPER DIVE (Sources cited and recommended reading)
(Sources cited and recommended reading)
The Meaning of Marriage – Timothy Keller
Love Sex and Dating – Andy Stanley
Rocking the Roles- Lewis and Hendricks