Week 1 | Complaint

In this four-week series, Habakkuk begins by complaining and questioning God who seems silence and be unconcerned for his people. Yet, as God reveals his divine work, Habakkuk must let go off his own expectations and wait patiently for God to fulfill his divine purposes in his timing and ways. In the end, Habakkuk’s complaint gives away to a beautiful trust in God that is not based upon the prophet’s circumstances.


1. What is one thing that stood out to you from this week’s message?

2 .Describe a time when you poured out your heart and unedited emotions to God. What was your reaction afterward?

3. Have you ever struggled with the apparent silence of God? Have there ever been times when you believed God was not answering your prayers? How did you feel?

4. Respond to this thought, drawn from Pete Greig: “When it comes to the silence of God and unanswered prayers, ‘silence may be more than absence, silence may be presence muted.’”

5. When it appears God is silent or not answering our prayers, how do we abide in the truth that God still cares?

6. Consider the phrase “Be real with how you feel, but go with what you know”. How did Habakkuk demonstrate this candor?