Bitterness | Week 1


  1. Do you have a hard time “clearing out old stuff?” Why or why not?
  2. Read Proverbs 4:23; Why does the writer tell us to guard our hearts? 
  3. How does “everything we do flow out of our hearts”? Is that true? How? 
  4. Have you ever known someone that you would consider a bitter person? How did you experience them? 
  5. How does forgiveness combat bitterness?
  6. Do you think there’s a line that someone can cross that makes unforgiveness expected or Appropriate? 
  7. Consider the statement: Forgiveness is an act of the will, not an impulse of emotion. Why is that surprising to us? 
  8. Read Matthew 6:14-15. This is a hard truth. Why do you think Jesus ties our ability to forgive with our willingness to forgive others? What does a willingness to forgive others demonstrate?