An Attitude of Gratitude


Gratitude is an attractive and powerful characteristic or trait. It’s something that when we see it in others, we wish it were true of ourselves. Gratitude is thankfulness, gratefulness, joy, peace and over all positivity. It’s not only an inward attitude, but it’s an outward expression that others get to experience. People with an attitude of gratitude are just better to do life with. Conversely, people that constantly complain are miserable to be around.

As Christians, being grateful is not just something that maybe should be there, it’s something that ought to be there. Gratitude to should mark God’s people. Scripture is full of commands to be thankful and to give thanks; because each day is a gift and we get to experience the goodness of God and the blessings of his people. It is God’s will that we give thanks IN all circumstances even when we can’t give thanks FOR all circumstances.

The truth is God doesn’t owe you anything. Everything we have is a gift of God. And our gratitude will begin when our entitlement ends. When I deserve and expect nothing, everything I get is grace.

This is beautifully demonstrated in Luke 7:36-50. The pharisees were entitled to deferment and so were cynical and judgmental. But the sinful woman was so overwhelmed with the grace and mercy experienced in Jesus that all she could do is erupt in gratitude and thanksgiving. Seeing God’s grace leads us to gratitude.


•What is one characteristic or trait you want to be true of you? When someone else describes your positive traits, what do you want them to highlight?

•How does it feel when someone else is complaining and disputatious around you?

•Why do you think it’s easier to gripe, grumble and complain?

•Read 1 Thessalonians 5:17-18. How is the believer supposed to behave? Is there a difference between rejoicing IN all circumstances and rejoicing FOR all circumstances.

•Read Luke 5:36-50.

•What was the attitude of Simon the Pharisee?

•What was the attitude of the woman?

•Whom did Jesus regard as worthy of commendation? Why?

•Who do you identify with in this story?

•How did seeing the grace of Jesus lead to her worship?

•When, specifically, are you most inclined to complain, grumble or argue? What can you specifically do to practice gratitude this week?