Week 3| Redeeming Your Time | Important .V. Urgent
- Pastor Scott said that “stuff expands to fill the space allotted.” What area in your home is like his wood shop; always filling up with stuff?
- If you had an extra 10 hours each day- how would you spend it?
- Read Hebrews 4:15. Do you think Jesus knows what it’s like to feel busy and overworked?
- How does social media or other digital rhythms of life tempt to you to try to be in more than one place at one time?
- What are the urgent things that often draw your focus and intention away from what’s important?
- Read Mark 1:28-38 – How did Jesus model focusing on the important?
- Consider this quote from Kevin DeYoung “The people on this planet who end up doing nothing are those who never realized they couldn’t do everything.” Do you agree with it? How does realizing you can’t do everything help you actually accomplish something.